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PKM UNY Team Creates Adyadroid: AI robot as a German learning companion
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YOGYAKARTA (16/06/2023) - The PKM team from UNY's German Language Education study program successfully introduced an AI robot innovation called Adyadroid in order to participate in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) in the Karsa Cipta (KC) scheme organized by Simbelmawa under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The robot can be used as a friend to learn German independently in the global era.
The team, supervised by Prof. Dr. Dra. Wening Sahayu, M. Pd. consists of the team leader, Elmiatin Zulva from German Language Education as the person in charge of making material that will be inputted into the robot's brain, preparing administrative files reported to Belmawa, and also in charge of social media for the promotion of their program. In addition to Zulva, there is also another member, Bayu Angga Rahadi from Electronics Engineering who acts as a hardware technician on the robot from design, testing, to program integration at the end. Savira Rohmatul Layli from German Education who is responsible for the smooth administrative and financial records in their report and Hasna Anissa Hazmi from Electronics Engineering who plays the same role as Bayu but is responsible for the preparation of the robot software.
Zulva explained the background of making this Adyadroid robot because they saw a problem that they thought should be solved immediately. One of the problems that made them write the idea is that there are still many students or people who are reluctant to learn foreign languages. In addition, they see that there are still many obstacles or difficulties in learning foreign languages, especially German. One of the obstacles is the learning media that is less effective in supporting the learning process of German, especially in speaking skills and vocabulary acquisition. Many beginners are shy when learning to speak because of the lack of study buddies and supportive media as well.
The team, which has been formed since February 2023, initially began the preparation of this PKM by discussing problems that arise around related obstacles in the German language learning process. Then examine these problems with various relevant literature coupled with the latest technology so that it can be used as a solution that is in accordance with the current era. After all the supporting data sources were collected, the team members began to prepare all the tools and materials needed followed by compiling the software which includes language programming in the robot brain using algorithms and digital platforms and making UI / UX designs for the robot display. In addition to compiling the software, this team also did not forget to make hardware which in this case is the robot body (head, neck, body and hands) which will then be integrated with the software that was previously compiled. The results of this work will be tested and evaluated until the Adyadroid robot can be used in accordance with the objectives that have been set.
The way this robot works is very user friendly, making it easy for users to operate it without the need to have in-depth technical knowledge. In addition, the ease of navigating the options and the responsive touchscreen feature allows users to quickly understand the robot's functionality and make adjustments as desired.
Zulva as the team leader again expressed her impression during the PKM implementation process from the beginning until it passed the funding.
"The impression is definitely very happy and proud because it can get to the point of passing funding and being given the opportunity to realize and realize ideas. There are so many great things that I can learn that I may never get in class. Being able to meet and discuss with great and extraordinary external reviewers allows me to have new knowledge and understanding related to the world of research and development. Learning a lot related to honesty, discipline, and responsibility in work is a big thing that I got in the PKM 2023 activity yesterday. The impression is extraordinary to be able to add experience and knowledge," she explained. (Septi)
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