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German Language Education Department Lecturers of UNY Visit SMAN 1 Teras and Argotelo Salatiga
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SALATIGA (25/01/2022) - As an effort to enhance cooperation between educational institutions and to enrich educational practice experiences, the Faculty of Languages and Arts German Language Education Department of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) visited SMAN 1 Teras and Argotelo Salatiga. This activity took place on January 25, 2023. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the relationship between higher education institutions and secondary schools, as well as to be part of the curriculum development and field practice program.
During this visit, the group of lecturers was led by the Head of the German Language Education Department, Prof. Dr. Wening Sahayu, M.Pd. The visit to SMAN 1 Teras, Salatiga, aimed to directly observe the condition of the school and interact with teachers and students. The activity began with a discussion with the Principal of SMAN 1 Teras, who welcomed the delegation from UNY.
Prof. Dr. Wening Sahayu, M.Pd. conveyed the purpose of this visit, one of which was to review the German language education practices in the school environment. She also expressed her hope that the cooperation between SMAN 1 Teras and UNY could be further enhanced in terms of providing training for students who will become future German language teachers.
In addition to the visit to SMAN 1 Teras, the group of lecturers also visited Argotelo Salatiga. This location was chosen as part of the lecturers' off-campus activities program, which is one of the efforts to improve the department's relationship with the business/industry world. Argotelo itself is a German language course owned by Cita Mahanti, an alumna of German Language Education at UNY. In addition to her daily work as a German language teacher at SMAN 1 Salatiga, Cita also develops her business in cassava processing. It is hoped that Cita can be an inspiration for students who want to engage in entrepreneurship.
This visit is expected to make a positive contribution to improving the quality of German language education at SMAN 1 Teras and to inspire students to understand the importance of field practice in the learning process. It is also hoped that the cooperation between UNY, SMAN 1 Teras, and Argotelo Salatiga will continue to grow and provide greater benefits for the education sector in Indonesia. (Dz)
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