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Prof. Dr. Wening Sahayu, M.Pd., was inaugurated as a Professor in the Field of Applied Linguistics
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YOGYAKARTA (03/09/2022) - Head of German Language Education Department, Wening Sahayu, has been officially inaugurated as a Professor in the field of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University (UNY). In her inaugural speech, Prof. Wening highlighted the importance of developing material resources to support global education development. Furthermore, Prof. Wening also proposed the development of German language textbooks in Indonesia with themes of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) recommended.
According to her, the use of themes such as Human Rights Education, Conflict and Peace Building, Respect for Diversity, Globalization & Social Justice, and Sustainability - maintaining natural resources in German language textbooks can be an effective means to enhance students' understanding of GCE. Thus, she hopes that the proposed textbook materials can help develop students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes as global citizens to address existing global challenges.
Dr. Wening Sahayu, M.Pd.'s initiative not only reflects UNY's commitment to improving education quality but also underscores the important role of interdisciplinary approaches in preparing skilled and globally aware generations. This is an important step in facing current global challenges and reflects UNY's commitment to preparing generations ready to contribute in an increasingly complex and globally interconnected world. By strengthening education through foreign languages, UNY plays a role in shaping future leaders with a deep understanding of global issues and the ability to act effectively in addressing them.
The inauguration ceremony for the professorship was held alongside eight other lecturers on Saturday (3/9) at the Performance Hall of the Faculty of Languages and Arts. The event was conducted with strict adherence to health protocols as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19.
Among the lecturers receiving the professorship titles are Prof. Dr. Ali Mustadi, S.Pd, M.Pd., who was appointed as a professor in the field of Language Learning Strategies in Elementary School at the PGSD Study Program, Faculty of Education Sciences. Additionally, Prof. Dra. Yulia Ayriza, M.Si., Ph.D., Psychologist, was appointed as a professor in the field of Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Education Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Wening Sahayu, M.Pd., who achieved the professorship title in the field of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Languages and Arts.
In addition to these three names, professorship titles were also conferred upon Prof. Dr. Jailani, M.Pd. (in the field of Educational Research and Evaluation), Prof. Dr. Isana Supiah Yosephine Louise, M.Si. (in the field of Electrochemistry), Prof. Dr. Sunarso, M.Si. (in the field of Civic Education), Prof. Dr. Dra. Hastuti, M.Si. (in the field of Human Geography), Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Didik Nurhadiyanto, S.T., M.T., IPU. (in the field of Material Engineering), and Prof. Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M.Si. (in the field of Athletic Training Education).
The inauguration ceremony is a recognition of the dedication and scholarly contributions made by these lecturers in their respective fields of expertise. It also serves as evidence of UNY's commitment to enhancing the quality of human resources in education and research. (Nindya)
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