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13 UNY German Language Education Students Participate in Campus Teaching Program Batch 6
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YOGYAKARTA (14/08/2023) - The Teaching Campus (KM) program is one of the MBKM flagship programs organized nationally by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Reporting from the Kampus Merdeka Information Center website, this program aims to equip students with a variety of expertise and skills by becoming teacher partners to innovate in learning, developing strategies, and learning models that are creative, innovative, and fun. In 2023, Kampus Merdeka again opened opportunities for students of universities under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture throughout Indonesia to contribute and provide real action in improving the quality of Indonesian education through the Teaching Campus program batch 6. This program is held for 4 and a half months, starting from August 14 to December 1, 2023.
In this 6th batch, 13 5th-semester German Language Education students passed the selection and were ready to be involved in the program. The 13 students are Evita Aulia Nur Rohmah, Chelsea Vajrina Saint, Putri Puspita Sari, Aluysa Erliana Assan, Eni Suryani, Catherin Stevina, Ikrima Selma, Nurul Aini Mawaddah, Aina Khairunnisa Sajidah, Khairunnisa Rizka Ramadhani, Diffa Avrilia Rahayu, Achmad Fachruj Mukrimun Akbar, and Almi Supriyati Intan.
The registration procedure for this program goes through a fairly strict selection including the filing stage and the substance stage. At the filing stage, participants are asked to complete various required files such as transcripts, health certificates, university recommendation letters, and absolute responsibility statements. While at the substance stage, participants will take three kinds of tests, namely the numeracy literacy test, diversity survey, and finally the value clarification attitude transformation (VCAT) test.
Aina, one of the participants, said that her reason for joining the program was to gain hands-on experience in teaching and broaden her horizons about the world of education in Indonesia. She also believes that this experience will help her develop her teaching skills, leadership, and adaptability in a diverse educational environment.
The participation of 13 German Language Education students in the 6th batch of the Teaching Campus Program shows their commitment to supporting educational development in Indonesia. With the various innovations and contributions they make, it is hoped that this program will have a significant positive impact on the world of education in the country. (Septi)
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